
For information on how to contact us to make a complaint please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected many of the questions we are asked together in to one page. If you have a question, you may be able to find the answer right now! Please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Our Gender Pay Gap Report

Please read our gender pay gap reports here.

Customer Services

If you have a general question about your mortgage with us please call the Customer Services team on 0344 770 8030.

You can also fax us on 0344 770 8040.

Please remember to include your full name and mortgage account number on any written communication.

Insurance Team

If you have a question about buildings insurance please call the Insurance Team on 0344 770 8035.

Payment Difficulties

If you are experiencing Payment Difficulties please call us on 0344 770 0093.

Write to Us

You can write to us about your mortgage at:

Paratus AMC Limited
PO BOX 4189
RG42 9LY

You can write to us about general matters at:

Paratus AMC Limited
No.5 Arlington Square
Downshire Way
RG12 1WA

Alternatively, you may Email us at

Please remember to include your full name and mortgage account number on any written communication.

Opening Hours

We are open: Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm

If you need to make a payment now, please, see our Make a Payment page for details about how you can do this.