
  1. Why have I received a letter requesting a copy of my buildings insurance schedule?

  2. What happens if I don’t have buildings insurance?

  3. Can I arrange my own buildings insurance?

  4. What is a financial interest only policy?

  5. What happens to my insurance when the property is taken into possession?

  6. What should I do if I need to make a claim on my buildings insurance arranged through Paratus AMC Limited?

  7. How can I contact the insurance team?

  8. What is an acceptable buildings insurance schedule?


  1. How can I make payments to the mortgage?

  2. How can I set up a Direct Debit?

  3. Can I change my Direct Debit details?

  4. Can I change my payment date?

  5. My Direct Debit hasn’t collected – Why?

  6. Will you try and collect my Direct Debit again?

  7. Will cheques be re-presented if the payment is returned unpaid?

  8. Why has my monthly payment increased?

  9. Do you offer payment holidays?

  10. I can’t make my payments this month – What can I do?

My Mortgage

  1. Why is my current balance higher than the amount of the advance?

  2. Can I make a Lump Sum Overpayment?

  3. I have a Repayment mortgage but my balance has hardly reduced – Why is this?

  4. Can I change my interest rate / product?

  5. I have an Interest only mortgage and do not have a repayment vehicle in place to redeem the mortgage at the end of the term – What should I do?

  6. Can I change the repayment method of my mortgage?

  7. How often is my interest rate reviewed?

  8. Is my interest calculated on a daily or monthly basis?

  9. How are my fees and charges repaid?

  10. What is the LIBOR rate?

  11. What is the Bank of England Base Rate?

  12. Why has my interest rate increased when the Bank of England Base Rate has not changed?

  13. Can I change the term of my mortgage?

  14. Can I borrow more money against my property?

  15. Can you send me a copy of the deeds to my property?

  16. Can I request a copy of my mortgage statement?

  17. How do I find out what charges could be applied to my account?

  18. What should I do if I am experiencing problems making my monthly payments?

  19. Can someone visit me to discuss my circumstances?

  20. Can I move my mortgage to another property?

  21. I think my account repayments may have been allocated incorrectly

Redeeming your Mortgage

  1. I want to repay my mortgage, how do I find out the amount owed?

  2. Do I need a Solicitor to redeem my mortgage?

  3. Will I incur any charges to redeem my mortgage?

  4. What will happen if I pay too much on redemption?

  5. What will happen if I pay less than required on redemption?

  6. My account is redeemed but it is still showing I have a mortgage with you?

  7. What will happen to my deeds when my mortgage is repaid?

  8. Am I due a refund of my Mortgage Exit Administration Fee (MEAF)?